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Getting Your Home Ready for Selling: Our Top Secrets!

When it comes to selling a home, the most important advertising component will be the pictures of the property! Other primary factors are of course area and price, but once a potential buyer has selected your home for their shortlist (usually from a social media or website post), it is first impressions that count. This is where the presentation of your home   - whether it is through pictures or an in-situ visit - will make or break the deal from getting off the ground right away.

You may ask: “Why do I have to change anything in my home when I am going to sell?”

In the trade it is called “staging”…making your home show itself off to the best of its ability. Neat, tidy and up-to-date homes sell faster and at better prices. It is that simple!

Keep in mind that you WILL be competing against other homes for sale in your area and those sellers would have gone to great length to ensure their properties are in tip-top shape before going to market. You need to do whatever it takes to stand out against the competition, to ensure your home has better “curb appeal” than the rest and this is where you as the owner will play a key role. Spending some money on clever refreshments and updates will add value to your property proposition.

This is our list of top tips on how to wow potential buyers:

Create an unbeatable online presence

These days most real estate is advertised online, on the web and in social media posts. Here is where your buyer will have the first encounter with your home through pictures, so only the very best will do. We will take professional pictures of your home but the look and feel and the way the property is presented is really the vendor’s call.

Always get rid of clutter and personal items

Homes reflect their owners’ personalities and it is important that it looks like people are living there, but when a home is on the market the rules are somewhat different. Buyers are not comfortable with clutter or houses that are messy and overstuffed. Store away collections of books, collectibles, toys and neaten up nests of cables. Remove family pictures, religious or political paraphernalia and keep those much-loved three-dimensional sayings that hang on walls or stand on display cabinets to a minimum. Having too many knick-knacks will detract from what a property really has to offer. Here the credo is “Less is more”.

Interiors that are inviting, neutral and unchallenging will not only make rooms look bigger but will also provide buyers with an opportunity of seeing themselves living there.

See to it that everything is sparkling clean

This is the number one priority for any buyer. Homes that are clean and spotless will convey a message that you as a seller have taken care of the property during your time there. Do not overlook small things like light switches, door handles and wall sockets and polish all glass and metal surfaces so there are no fingerprints in sight. If changing broken fitted furniture or damaged faucets and drains will help make your home find a buyer quicker, it may be well worth the investment.

Adequate lighting

Lighting sets the mood in any home and can instantly improve the mood of any space. The best of course is natural sunlight but in rooms where there’s no direct access to sunlight, see if you can place an accent table lamp in the right spot or create a soft and intimate feeling with ambient lighting. Homes that are shown to potential buyers always need to have the curtains drawn back or light switched on during the visit. Lighting also improves the quality and feel of any photo.

The importance of the exterior

Besides pictures on the web or social media, the first thing a buyer will see is the exterior of your property. This needs to be in good order as it will set the tone for the rest of the visit. Have a look at any plants that need cutting back or trimming, the condition of your post box, the state of walkways/pavements and of course any windows which must be clean and shiny. Ensure pools are sparkling and that lawns are mowed.

If you are having pictures taken of the exterior, make sure it is at the best time of the day so that the property is well-lit with no gloomy shadows. Remove cars from driveways, see that dogs and cats are out of sight and remove jungle-gyms, hoses, BBQs or any other gardening or cleaning equipment.

Our Master Checklist:

·         Clean every room: it needs to be fresh and spotless

·         Deodorise rooms that need it

·         All plants need to be healthy but keep a balance with the amount of greenery

·         Remove or hide bins

·         Clear worktops

·         Remove pet bowls

·         Remove fridge magnets and shopping lists and clean chalk boards

·         Replace any dead plants

·         Keep balconies and patios clean and do not use it as storage areas

·         Put a bowl with fruit in the kitchen

·         Clean window sills

·         Remove any stains off carpets and floors

·         Hide any cables

·         If any repainting needs to be done of any wall or surface, see to it in time

·         Cover furniture with crazy colours or patterns with a neutral shade throw or slip cover

·         Straighten out chairs and tables to be in line

·         Think of doing a table setting for the dining room table

·         Have some fresh flowers in the living-room, lounge or dining room

·         The master bedroom needs to be as neat as a pin including the cupboards

·         Try and make the master bedroom look like it’s in a 5-star hotel

·         Make sure all A/Cs are in good working order and clean of dust or any marks. The same goes for ceiling fans, blinds and curtains

·         Put a set of brand new unused towels and cloths in the bathroom

·         Remove any cleaning chemicals from bathrooms and toilets or store it away

·         Always have a full toilet roll on the holder

·         Draw back shower curtains so people can see there is nothing to hide

·         Always close all toilet lids after ensuring the bowls are spotless

·         Have a diffuser in the bathroom

·         Make sure alarm systems are in good working order and that you have some working knowledge of how it operates

·         Make sure all gate and garage motors are working and that outside lights are working

Some security tips when showing your home:

·         Make sure all expensive jewellery and heirlooms are locked away

·         Never leave a handbag or wallet anywhere in sight

·         Never hand over keys for anything, not even for a casual inspection by a visitor you do not know

·         Ask your estate agent to verify that they have the details of every visitor to your home

With our expert consultants you will never have to worry about a thing. We will give you the best advice on how to prepare your home before going to market and we will even do an inspection upon your request if you want unbiased feedback. We will always accompany all viewings personally, have all the details of any visitors verified and only bring potential buyers around at times that suit you. After all, we have more than 50 years of experience in doing this successfully, so you can rest assured that with our assistance you will have the absolute advantage in showcasing your home to its full potential. Call us on (+356) 2277 0620 or email:

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